CAL’s psychological assessment tools uncover valuable qualities of individuals and enable your organization to identify suitable talent with accuracy and efficiency.
CAL’s psychological assessment tools uncover valuable qualities of individuals and enable your organization to identify suitable talent with accuracy and efficiency.

Hiring Quality

Having the right person in the right position is the ultimate aim for all recruiters – Who truly fits with the positions that can fully play to their strengths?
Utilizing psychometric tools along with targeted interviews to maximize the power of both quantitative and qualitative assessments and thereby increase the odds of finding the best talent for your needs.

Hiring Quality

Having the right person in the right position is the ultimate aim for all recruiters – Who truly fits with the positions that can fully play to their strengths?
Utilizing psychometric tools along with targeted interviews to maximize the power of both quantitative and qualitative assessments and thereby increase the odds of finding the best talent for your needs.


Stability is the foundation of sustainable growth – What makes a long-lasting team?
Turnover happens for a variety of reasons, many of which are related to a mismatch between employees’ abilities or needs and the job, the team and the culture. CAL’s psychometric tools go beyond skill level evaluation, to assess the “fit” between the employee and the organization, thus enabling a productive and sustainable workforce.


Stability is the foundation of sustainable growth – What makes a long-lasting team?
Turnover happens for a variety of reasons, many of which are related to a mismatch between employees’ abilities or needs and the job, the team and the culture. CAL’s psychometric tools go beyond skill level evaluation, to assess the “fit” between the employee and the organization, thus enabling a productive and sustainable workforce.

Cultural Fit

An objective and systematic assessment solution for cultural fit – Who can grow with your organization?
With CAL’s psychometric tools, you can decode the unique elements in your culture that are required of individuals to be successful. These elements, in return, can be used to select potential candidates who can grow and lead the organization over the long run.

Cultural Fit

An objective and systematic assessment solution for cultural fit – Who can grow with your organization?
With CAL’s psychometric tools, you can decode the unique elements in your culture that are required of individuals to be successful. These elements, in return, can be used to select potential candidates who can grow and lead the organization over the long run.

the Talent War

Having top talents is known to be the key to organizational success – How can you gain the edge required to win over the best talent?
You are often competing with other great companies to attract and hire the best talent; money may not be the only key to solve this problem. CAL’s psychometric tools can precisely assess the intrinsic and extrinsic needs of individuals, which allow you to maximize the power of compensation and opportunities to attract talents and facilitate recruitment negotiation.

the Talent War

Having top talents is known to be the key to organizational success – How can you gain the edge required to win over the best talent?
You are often competing with other great companies to attract and hire the best talent; money may not be the only key to solve this problem. CAL’s psychometric tools can precisely assess the intrinsic and extrinsic needs of individuals, which allow you to maximize the power of compensation and opportunities to attract talents and facilitate recruitment negotiation.

Ensuring Onboarding Success

Onboarding is important; a strong onboarding program often reduces turnover and shortens the learning curve – What ensures success?
CAL’s psychometric assessments provide a comprehensive understanding of new hires and point out areas to be attended to, as well as effective methods to support employees during the transition into the organization.

Ensuring Onboarding Success

Onboarding is important; a strong onboarding program often reduces turnover and shortens the learning curve – What ensures success?
CAL’s psychometric assessments provide a comprehensive understanding of new hires and point out areas to be attended to, as well as effective methods to support employees during the transition into the organization.